Things I’ve learned since becoming a mother. 

A few weeks ago, I attended a friend’s baby shower. Like me, she is a first time mom as well. As she opened her gifts I found myself leaning in towards her telling her what items we had as well and how well they did or didn’t work for us. Then it hit me, it’s insane that I know these things. A year ago if you would’ve asked me which baby swing was the best I would’ve probably told you to search Google. Now, here I am helping a fellow soon to be mom. It’s weird. 

Anyways, for new moms, moms to be, or mommas of older babies looking to see if anything has changed this is what I have discovered since my son was born:

1. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will flock to you because they see a baby and who can resist? 

-However, you’ll need to learn to be stern. Tell that sweet elderly woman who asked to hold your two week old in the grocery store absolutley not and move on. Because, well germs and also stranger danger. You might also shout at a woman at Starbucks for nearly touching your child when he hasn’t been vaccinated yet. Sorry woman, don’t bring your strange hands near my kiddo. (Maybe that’s just me?)

2. GERMS. Oh they will terrify you. 

-Honeslty, prior to having Carter my OCD kind of helped me be terrified of germs but since having him oh they are like the plague. They are literally EVERYWHERE and there’s nothing you can do to prevent them from getting to your sweet baby. It’s awful. Some say some germs are good for baby to learn how to fight off, but I say pass the hand sanitizer. 

3. You learn how to do everything one handed. 

-Upon bringing home your newborn they want to be held ALL THE TIME. Which is so sweet and cute at first, but not 3 weeks in to staying at home alone with them and your house still looks like you’ve been robbed. Don’t get me wrong snuggling with Carter for half my morning is the best. But, it’s not fun when it’s 1:30PM and you still haven’t had lunch yet and you’re starving. So, you adapt and you find a way to put a pizza in the oven while breastfeeding and holding your baby. 

4. The words “engorged, nipple cream, boppy pillow, diapers, pacifier, onesie, and spit up” will become part of your everyday vocabulary especially if you’re breastfeeding. Seriously, straight face every time I look at Dave and say “oh gosh I need to go pump. My boobs hurt so bad.” Welcome to parenthood, kiddos. 

5. While I’m on the subject of parenthood, I’ve learned how to love Dave over just unconditionally. I love him in some neurotic I’m crazy in love with him way. Watching your spouse become a parent with you is overwhelmingly beautiful. And, hearing a grown man speak to his son in baby talk is adorable. 

Enough cheesiness…real stuff…

6. Being spit up on is everyday life. 

-Seriously, wiping up your own spit up breast milk may sound awful, but you do it without even batting an eyelash. 

7. I do everything at warp speed when Carter naps. 

-I know I only have a short window to have two hands and get things accomplished. How/why did it take me over an hour to get ready? I can do it in like 15-20 minutes now. 

8. Sleep? lol.

-that’s all. 

9. I dress to breastfeed. 

-When I get dressed in the morning, I dress to feed Carter, meaning how long will it take me to get this sweater off to feed him. My inner monologue usually goes like this: 

“Do I really need to wear layers? Oh man I miss button ups under sweaters. Should I throw a cardigan on too or will it take longer to get off? Oh shoot I needed to make the bed today. Oh Carter is crying, he’s ready to be fed. Speaking of that, what the junk am I going to make for dinner? Well, never mind on that button up + cardigan combo. That’s just a whole thing. NorthFace jacket it is.” 

…welcome to mommy thoughts. 

10. Having Carter put a whole new meaning to “unconditional love.” 

-it’s the most beautiful bond to have a child. It’s terrifying and always messy but when your child is crying and you simply can soothe them by holding them, that’s when everything becomes worth it. All the late nights, spit ups, meltdowns, dirty diapers and everything terrifying in between are worth it. Just looking at your child is the most rewarding feeling there is and I wouldn’t dream of trading it in. 

xx. Mrs. Robertson 

***disclaimer: These are simply my opinions on motherhood. Not every momma or baby are the same. 🙂 


Let me just start by saying, oddly enough I’m writing this at 2:00AM. But, I’m a mom of a newborn I’ll take anytime I can get. Which leads me to my main point….

Recently I read an article published on Huffington Post entitled: ‘Mommy, somebody needs you’ link if you’d like to read:

As I read the article it really struck a nerve in me. I began to see in another mother what 2:00AM has seen in me many times, in that when my son whimpered his newborn cry I thought “no, but I’m so tired.” Sounds terrible, I know. But, stay with me here. I’ll admit, at first when we brought my son home I was so tired from the hospital hoopla that it was a blur getting up so it didn’t phase me.

However, night after night, getting up every hour and a half to two hours gets exhausting. And then comes those nights where it’s the 3rd time in the last hour that I’ve tried feeding my son but he doesn’t latch and then screams in hunger. Those nights see who you really are as a mother. Those nights your blurry eyes are burning because you’re exhausted, your ears are ringing because the baby is crying, and you don’t know how to help because you’ve done everything you can do. Those nights you breakdown and think: “but I’m so tired. Please sleep. I don’t know what you want.” And then, the reality of what you’re thinking sinks in and you feel like dirt for being upset with this innocent baby who just needs you. And then, it hits you: they need you. No one else, just you.

When I read that article that momma said what I was thinking so many nights in the wee hours, but afraid to say in that, we take for granted the blessings we have been given. We forget one special thing: we are needed, and there is no one else that can do it like we can. Between my husband, son, dogs, a cat, my home, and soon my job, someone always needs me. As mothers and wives, we fail to remember that we’ve been given something so precious and that honestly, it would all come tumbling down without us. I encourage all of you other mothers to take to heart just how needed and respected you all are. How many things would just rip at the seams without you. Sure, it’s exhausting, but just like the article said, there will come a time you are not needed. The peace and quiet you long for is all you’ll have and you’ll wish for it back. Cherish those middle of the night feedings when the world is quiet and its just you and your baby. Personally, Carter and I are working our way through the CSI: Miami series on Netflix during our middle of the night feedings and I cherish it whole heartedly. When he wakes me up for a diaper change and a feeding, I cherish those snuggles while Horatio solves the case, all while coming up with some legit one liners.

The article woke something up in me, something I needed to be reminded of at 2:00AM when I was begging for sleep: I am the only person that my child needs, and there is no other momma who can soothe my son like I can.

I hope all of you mommas remember that. You are all so loved and so respected. Motherhood is rough, but God gave us the privilege for one reason: no one can do it like we can.

xx Mrs. Robertson

Carter’s birth story.

Hi friends!

Sorry I haven’t posted for quite some time as I had promised in my previous post, however I’ve been a little busy…having my son!

I wanted to take the time to share my son’s birth story in hopes that it would help new mommas 🙂 I was advised by my doctor to not share my birth story as some of you mommas didn’t have as wonderful of experience as I did. But, the previous birth stories I read scared me to death. There were so many horror stories and no positive ones. I kept reading how painful it was, how scared the person was, how bad recovery was and so forth. Maybe I was looking in all the wrong places, but almost every story I read scared me and I became less excited to meet my son.

Before, I tell you the exact story of when my son arrived I need to back up and tell you the roller coaster that led up to him making his appearance. My son first tried to come into this world at 29 weeks gestation. I was having some really intense contractions for about 3 hours that were not letting up, but getting worse. We went to the hospital to find out that I was 1cm dilated and he was head down headed towards the birth canal. I was admitted into a separate hospital as the NICU at our hospital was full. For the next 3 days it was a blur of magnesium, steroids, and medications to stop my contractions as well as help the baby if he should come. All that medication helped as he stayed in and we were discharged from the hospital. I was instructed to take it easy, put my feet up and drink lots of water. Anyone who knows me knows what a challenge that would be. Not only was I working full time but I am notorious for my OCD. Add those two factors plus the beginning of nesting and you get zero “taking it easy.” During this time my husband was so amazing. He did as much housework as possible, worked full time, and cooked meals all while battling my hormones + keeping watch for me sneaking cleaning in. Honestly, I was so happy one day when he went snowboarding and I had the whole day to organize and clean. So yes, nesting is a thing. 🙂

At 34 weeks and 5 days gestation, my son, or Baby R as we were calling him once again tried to come. This time he got even closer than at 29 weeks. This time when I was admitted I was dilated to 3 1/2cm, he was head down and extremely close to the birth canal. I also had mild contractions (sorry mommas, this is where you will start to hate me) and some leaking fluid. The hospital monitored me and Baby R for 24 hours and by this time I was dilated to 5cm. The doctors were extremely concerned because he was so ready to come out, and my body really wasn’t giving me any warning I was dilating as fast as I was. I was experiencing contractions but they were mild feeling to me and my water hadn’t broken. The doctors were convinced my son was going to come any day so they monitored us for 3 days and my mom flew out since we were all convinced this was it. This was do or die time.

But, being my son and taking after myself and my husband he in fact did not come out but did the opposite. He went back up away from the birth canal and I regressed dilating back to 4cm. He’s already a great mix of us: loves a flair for the dramatics and stubborn 🙂

So, after days of arguing with the doctors I was finally released. My mom was super bummed my son wasn’t born yet, but she took the time to our advantage and we put the nursery together. My mom left on Thursday and I went on with my nesting self.

Sunday, January 17th my husband and I spent the day like a usual Sunday. We relaxed, laid in bed and watched movies. I had mild contractions throughout the day but nothing alarming. I also told my husband we were absolutely not going to the hospital unless my water broke so mild contractions were just a normal part of our day. By 10:00pm we were watching “If I stay” well, I was my husband fell asleep. True to my emotional self + pregnancy hormonal self I was hysterically bawling over the whole movie all while feeling like I had to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I would get up, pee, and come back to the room bawling. This went on for a full hour. Nice visual, eh? 🙂

At 12:15AM, I was officially 35 weeks gestation and with one last trip to the bathroom my water broke. I yelled for my husband and his exact words were “oh boy.” 🙂 Now, moving forward I’m not going to sugar coat anything. So, mommas to be my apologies and mommas, my apologies as well, you’re going to hate me. At first, my contractions were intense but I could handle them. So much so that I brushed my teeth and started getting stuff together. This glorious not so bad stage lasted for about 2 minutes. Then, my contractions got real. It was a blur of intense pains, and Taylor Swift’s 1989 album. Shout out to my hubs for playing that album to try to soothe my pains and get my mind off of it 🙂

By 12:45AM, I was admitted to the hospital and by 1:15AM, I had my epidural. Sorry to all who don’t believe in it you can quit reading now because I am about to praise the almighty God for epidurals. Honestly, I went from shaking myself nearly off the bed, sweating, crying, and squeezing anything I could get my hands on to telling my husband we needed to send the anesthesiologist an edible arrangement. I was numb, I was calm and life was great.

After 2:00AM, I started pushing and by 4:26AM, Carter Michael Robertson was born. So, my take on birth? Not so bad! If I can do it, anyone can. 🙂


An ode to “real” Instagram blogs.


I’m kicking off 2015 by actively pursuing my blog. However, as I am actively getting started you should know I have been steadily trying and failing for months at blogging. I first started with Instagram and figured if I started following mommy blogs that I would get the gist of it. Well, I didn’t. I only found myself depressed after I searched through these mommy blogs I began following. I was so eager to get a peek into other’s lives of how they balanced work, school, play dates, gardens, planning dinners, essentially: the damn matriarch of the family. I was so eager to get a feel of how others balanced all of these items that we call life not because I was struggling, but because in a nutshell it’s a lot of work crowning yourself as the matriarch of your family.

As I eagerly began following these blogs I found my eagerness changing into depression, self loathing, and worry. What was I doing wrong? How does this woman have 3 children dressed in perfect looking outfits, a perfect garden and able to have flawless curls all while “whipping up” a 5 star dinner when I can barely keep my eyelashes on by 7:30PM? At first, I began thinking it was something I was doing wrong. I felt like I was just not biologically designed to have flawless curls with a $1,500 dollar purse on my arm. What type of woman was I that I couldn’t work all day, come home to a spotless all white house, and make a 5 star dinner all while my curls from 5:00AM looked flawless at 5:00PM? Finally, what type of life had I set up for myself that I wasn’t achieving looking fabulous everyday with a $400 dollar watch on my arm and a $1,500 dollar purse on the other?

Then, I realized that those type of mommy blogs are not “real” life. Sure, there are some women out there who can financially afford to have those expensive purses, shoes, clothes etc. (kudos to you all!) but, that’s not what I want to see. As a woman, a wife and a mother I want to see what I know to be real life. I want to see your kids in their PJ’s with pancakes all over them, your thrown together yoga pants outfit, or “mom” uniform. Because ultimately, that is what life is. Balancing kids, your spouse, work, dinner and play dates, PTO, etc. is a lot of hard work and I salute the women who do it with style and grace. I strive to be the hardworking woman at the office, the best wife to my husband and the most loving mother to my babies as I can be all while those curls from 5:00AM are still in.

I am so proud to say that I quit following those blogs that promote material items, and making your life out to be picture perfect because it’s not. Life (especially with husbands, kids and animals involved) is messy. My house 90% of the time has my couch throw pillows taken literal and thrown on the floor next to all of the toys that I just put in the toy bin all over the floor. I am hereby swearing that as I use 2015 as my year to blog that you will see the life I am living. I love every aspect of it. When I come home from work and there is 4 cans of pop on the coffee table from my husband gaming all day, or like tonight the fact I am making Hamburger Helper for dinner, you’re going to see it all. Because, that’s what I want to show other wives and moms. I want everyone to know that I am living my hectic messy life and loving every minute of it. Don’t worry, there will be some outfit posts too 🙂

So, in conclusion mommy blogs who are keeping real, I salute and admire you!

Blogging 101 and Photo 101 Start November 3

The Daily Post

Note: if you register via this post, you’ll receive your welcome email and Commons access by Monday at noon.

The next Blogging U. class starts in just a few days! Photography 101 and Blogging 101, both four-week introductory courses, kick off on Monday, November 3rd. But don’t worry if you haven’t registered yet — there’s still time!

Photography 101 is a photo-a-day challenge combining a daily photo theme with shooting and photo editing tips on composition, lighting, cropping, and more. You’ll publish new posts, make new friends, and hone your photographer’s eye. It’s also a great way for photobloggers to participate in NaBloPoMo this November. Charge your camera batteries and get ready to shoot!

For three years, I’ve tried to start a blog. Before Blogging 101, I never built enough momentum. Now, thanks to the accountability of regular assignments – and thanks to receiving such wonderful, encouraging feedback – I’ve reached the…

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Pregnancy Cravings: why can’t I be like everyone else and crave fruit?

Honestly, if I had a choice I would crave and eat nothing but fruits, veggies, leafy greens, etc. however, I crave chocolate 99.9% of the time.

It sucks, but I give in to my cravings because otherwise I would crave it and binge eat it, which is terrible (no brainier.) so, my take on all this? Eat what you crave! But, eat it in moderation. I eat 2 nuggets of Hershey’s chocolate after lunch and after dinner, but I eat veggies and drink water during those meals too. The trick is to work in your cravings with the food you need to help baby 🙂

Today’s weird craving? Chicken taco lunchables. Explain that to me. My child is already a weirdo. 🙂